
The Resilient Leader

This conference explored challenges presented to businesses which have successfully attained growth. Difficulties such as complexity, risk and the downside of size. How can budding organisations deal with these difficulties? The impact of a plunge in revenue hits harder, the loss of a key person leaves a deeper dent, a crisis in a key market knocks a cornerstone down. The Resilient Leader pushes back and manages to thrive in these situations.

What makes a Resilient Leader?

Resilient leaders act. Whatever the odds stacked against them, resilient leaders manage to dig deep, adapt, regroup, and keep going.

They are strong and fragile, harsh and sensitive, courageous and terrified, deadly serious and able to poke fun at themselves – all at the same time. What makes them different is their belief in keeping it together. They bounce back and see that, yes, the dots have connected. And most importantly, they learn from every experience.

Resilience is not about skills or management – it is about the ability to stay the course, see things through, and turn things around. Resilient leaders shoulder responsibility and make gut-wrenching decisions for the greater good.

Our Speakers

President, Phoenix Life Academy - US
CEO, Zanzi Homes & Quicklets - MT
Former Army Officer, Parathlete - UK



Breakfast & Registration

Food and Registry



Getting Settled In


Conferencing Opening

By Chairperson Steve Tarr and CEO Morgan Parnis


Dr. Andrew J.Shatte Q&A

President of Phoenix Life Academy


Steve Mercieca

Keynote Speaker, CEO of Quicklets


Caffeine Boost and Networking

Coffee and Socialising Break


Welcome Back

Refreshed, Buzzed


Chris Moon, MBE + Q&A

Former Army Officer, Former Prisoner, Parathlete


Panel Discussion

Let’s Talk


Gianni, Game Show

Exciting Activity Time



Lunch and Conference End


  • 155
  • Early Bird
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  • 190
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    • €10 fee for cheque/bank transfer
  • 130
  • Group 5-10
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    • €10 fee for cheque/bank transfer
  • 120
  • Group 11+
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    • €10 fee for cheque/bank transfer

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